Seeking an uncrowded ad space? This is it.

In a digital world, mail has fallen out of favor. But wait! You still go to the mailbox every day. You still look at every piece of mail. Right? Advertisers looking for an uncrowded, underutilized medium can find it in direct mail postcards.

Opportunity knocking

Direct mail is not a medium that you have to do guesswork on. While outdoor, tv, radio, even digital ads with all of its analytics can leave you guessing on customer internalization of your message. Direct mail gets directly to the point. It’s time to rethink your old pals, print and direct mail .

Opportunity walking in the door

Ask anyone in advertising, “Is it better for the consumer to hear, see or hold your message when interpreting it?” They’ll tell you that holding is key to strongest sensual impression. Other mediums have to follow the customer to be effective. Direct mail walks right in the house with them. Postcards deliver!

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